From a silent place within, holding a healing space - 
living as the change I wish to see and helping others live out their highest potential. 


I am so glad you found your way here!

My dream and heartfelt invitation, is that Reiki and our encounter empower you to bring forward your essence of deepest presence and harmony, your light, and that in turn you share this widely from your own embodied authenticity. 

My name is Myorei Corinne Zeraffa and when asked, I call myself a Reiki and spiritual mentor. I straddle the traditions of being a Reiki master, an energy 'healer', while also practicing Zen meditation. This is a path that I am committed to pursue.

Who I am is what I do, dedicating my life to working on myself to evolve, grow, and be in service to the planet.  When you look for me, I show up and have within me what you need at this time in your journey. 

Nourished by over 20 years of committed spiritual training with a focus on subtle energies, my work is in service to those who are ready to heal the wounds and embody their most essential radiant selves. I am greatly passionate about standing in sacred space and dedicating the blessings to those who have sought me. Gifted at holding unconditional loving space and simultaneously being a fierce voice of truth, my reason for being is to be a clear channel of energy bringing blessings to you. 

I specialize in facilitating transition for people who are ready to heal, connect to their own source of power and wisdom, align more deeply with their truth, and live into greater joy and connection to all there is.

Will you rise and activate your connection to the light with me? 
Is it time to heal?
If you are called to shine even more, I am here for you.

The light in me sees and honours the light in you, and celebrates meeting you, in presence and Love.  
May every moment you spend with universal life force nourish your courage to honour your shadows, inspire you to stand in your light and support you in sharing your gifts. 
With love and respect,

Blessed be.


I have trained in both Japanese and Western Reiki, with clarity arising from more than two decades of Zen apprenticeship as a resident of the Zen Centre of Vancouver.

Reiki Lineage for Komyo Reiki Training as Shihan/Teacher

Mikao Usui
Chujiro Hayashi
Chiyoko Yamagushi
Hyakuten Inamoto
Myorei Corinne Zeraffa of Myorei Healing, Vancouver, BC

Reiki Lineage for Usui Reiki Training in Level I , Level II, Level III and Master/Teacher

Mikao Usui
Chujiro Hayashi
Hawayo Takata
Phyllis Lei Furumoto
Anne McAffrey
Marlene Moore
David Pilz
Barb Weston
Myorei Corinne Zeraffa of Myorei Healing, Vancouver, BC

Canadian Reiki Association

Being a registered Reiki Master/Teacher with the Canadian Reiki Association, I follow in its commitment to ethical practices and share my teaching experience in accordance with its educational standards.

Bach Flower Registered Practitioner with the Dr Edward Bach Centre, UK

As a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, I follow in the principles of  the therapy as intended by Dr Edward Bach.