Return to innate harmony


Reiki Long Distance Intuitive Energy Healing

Reiki brings wonderful peace and relaxation, a much needed letting go. You can begin to see a brighter, clearer side of yourself as Reiki goes to where your need is greatest, supporting awareness, detoxification and balance.

For your long distance Reiki, we schedule an appointment and you want to be somewhere comfortable and quiet. On your coach, bed, a park bench or in the forest, you are likely to soon experience an overall sense of comfort and wellbeing, you might fall asleep. What really matters is the new self arising as a result of the session. The following days you will notice changes in everyday life: maybe more strength, harmony, insights, creativity, energy...we are all different and benefit in unique ways. Reiki energy works to produce the highest results for the highest good for all involved. The only requirement for distance treatments is your permission to have this energy flow to you and you must have a sincere willingness to receive and work with the gifts received. 

Your investment: $100 - 45 mins. Reiki + 15 mins. connection through Zoom or phone to set the intent.
Taxes included

I love to hear from you!



Love Empowerment

Are you in a time of transition?

The realization that something has to change is the first step to wellness. Life circumstances, strong emotions, health unbalances, unease, are signals and seem unbearable, but you are not alone. You will be supported to deepen your connection to Spirit, facilitate insights and shifts towards your highest truth. I (Myorei) am here to hold the space, assist you in seeing your truth and dedicate Reiki blessings to you.

This is very deep transformative work. You receive a multi-layered approach that will address your specific issue and nourish your journey :

One on One mentorship session to assist you in diving deep, connecting to your soul and clarifying your intent. 
One Reiki long distance healing energy session to shift energy .
A crafted affirmation that will arise from your vision and needs , enabling you to initiate positive goals. 

You’ll benefit from :
• Clarity - 30mn spiritual mentorship through internet or phone
• Empowerment - 60mn Reiki long distance energy healing work
• Clear intent - crafted affirmation, enabling your soul to initiate positive goals.

Your investment: CAD $150 tax included

I am here for you!



One on One Reiki Mentorship

Private guidance for a deepening of your Reiki practice .
Connection online through Zoom.

  • Tuition is $100 per 60 minutes

  • Clarify and deepen your Reiki experience. We will explore any question/concern you might have encountered in your practice.

  • Spiritual guidance